I had my first acupuncture treatment of my life today. The idea was to have this type of treatment to prevent and/or minimize possible side effects of my chemotherapy treatments - specifically nausea and vomiting. The acupuncturist used approximately 15 needles in my hands, feet, forehead and even my belly button! She also placed a heat lamp over my stomach (I’m still not sure what the purpose of the heat lamp was for because I wasn’t cold! ). The room was filled with aromatherapy scents and relaxation(?) music. During the 45 minutes I lay on the table I thought to myself, "how do I know if this is working since I haven't really had any nausea or vomiting symptoms?" and "I can do this at home..well, except for the needles" and I even went as far to refer to the therapy as "hocus pocus" when I relayed my experience to my daughter, Teri.
Teri told me that she felt benefit from acupuncture for her migraine headaches and nausea she experienced when she had to take Methotrexate (a pill form of chemotherapy) for her rheumatoid arthritis. She told me she noticed a significant difference after several treatments; however the treatment was only palliative.
So maybe it works, maybe it doesn't. Teri reminded me that it not just the physical treatment that helps in healing but that the mind is equally and often, more influential in recovery and healing. Yes, I am skeptic, but I will continue to keep my mind open to all healing techniques throughout this new chapter of my life.